Outstanding web applications, powered by RockYou, can be used to enhance the look of blogs, personal websites and pages on social networks like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and more. RockYou, one of
the fastest growing technical companies ever, has extended
its highly viral and visible applications making, in fact, social application based advertising network.
As one of the pioneer app developers on popular social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, Slide has become the world’s leading community driven
entertainment company.
Slide offers millions of people worldwide the ability
to engage, communicate and socialize with one
another through fun apps and virtual communities (including SuperPoke! Pets, Top Fish, SPP Ranch and SuperPocus Academy of Magic).
Unfortunately, after buying Slide not long ago, Google is shutting it down.
Flockfree web browser, built on the Mozilla
Firefox architecture, aggregates social networks, social media, webmail and related tools within the browser interface. Using these tools, you can keep your friends and media together while you browse, plus simple interaction with and between them.