The Open World Forum,
its FLOSS Observatory and its 2020 FLOSS Roadmap aim to establish the new environment where people can think ahead, identify key trends, challenges and opportunities for the future of FLOSS., powered by SourceForge, is always evolving. Its main goal is to give you all of the resources and information you need to make your experience with Linux successful.
LibrePlanet 2009 will cover the range of free software activism topics, with an Open Space style effort to make progress on engineering for Free Network Services and the High Priority Software Projects. The event will be held at the Harvard Science Center, Cambridge, on March 21-22, 2009.
SourceForge is the global technology community’s hub for information exchange, open source software distribution and goods for
geeks. The network of media and e-commerce web sites serves more than
33 million unique visitors each month from around the world.
The platform, particularly Repository and Forge,
supports and encourages the re-use of
publicly-financed Open Source Software (OSS) developments, focusing on those of use
to European public administrations.
aims to support the collaborative development of OSS
applications and solutions, particularly cross-border exchanges of knowledge and software.
The Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam has issued an instruction to use open source software products at state agencies.
Accordingly, by June 30, 2009,
100% of clients of IT divisions of government agencies must be
installed with open source software; 100% of staffs must be trained in the use of these software products and at
least 50% use them proficiently.
Free Software Daily is the site designed to provide members of free and open source software community with news and articles that are of interest to them.